[网络软件] 最好的邮件客户端【The Bat! 10.1.0 (x64) 多语言便携版】...
含烟丶小可爱 11月前

[网络软件] 最好的邮件客户端【The Bat! 10.1.0 (x64) 多语言便携版】...
The Best Secure Email Client Software. Certified for Windows 10
The Bat! is a secure desktop email client for Windows, built to protect your correspondence against third-parties.
The Bat! protects your information through multiple encryption streams, with the option to keep all information encrypted on your disk, and to protect emails during communication using end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The Bat! can work without global email providers that keep your messages in the cloud, where they can be stolen. The Bat! keeps your emails on your computer to make them private. The Bat! blocks malicious code and tracking pixels that spread via email. This is a way to protect from email hacking.
The Bat! email program is able to process and store an unlimited number of messages and has no restriction on the number of email accounts accessible via IMAP, POP, MAPI protocols. The Bat! is a perfect multiple email account manager - allows you to quickly access all your email accounts in one place. The Bat! is a safe, robust and reliable mail application. It handles very large message bases quickly and with small memory footprint.
The MailTicker™ is, without doubt, one of the most powerful features of The Bat!. The MailTicker™ adds a visual indicator to your desktop similar to those stock exchange banners you may know from certain TV news channels. It shows unread messages, as defined by a set of simple options you can choose from.

This makes The Bat! the best mail app for Windows.

最好的安全电子邮件客户端软件。已通过 Windows 10 认证
蝙蝠!通过多个加密流保护您的信息,并可选择在磁盘上加密所有信息,并使用端到端加密 (E2EE) 在通信期间保护电子邮件。蝙蝠!可以在没有全球电子邮件提供商的情况下工作,这些提供商将您的消息保存在云中,在那里它们可能被盗。蝙蝠!将您的电子邮件保存在您的计算机上,使其私密。蝙蝠!阻止通过电子邮件传播的恶意代码和跟踪像素。这是一种防止电子邮件黑客攻击的方法。
蝙蝠!电子邮件程序能够处理和存储无限数量的邮件,并且对通过IMAP,POP,MAPI协议访问的电子邮件帐户数量没有限制。蝙蝠!是一个完美的多电子邮件帐户管理器 - 允许您在一个地方快速访问所有电子邮件帐户。蝙蝠!是一个安全,强大和可靠的邮件应用程序。它可以快速处理非常大的消息库,并且内存占用量很小。
毫无疑问,MailTicker™是The Bat!最强大的功能之一。MailTicker™向桌面添加了一个视觉指示器,类似于您可能从某些电视新闻频道中知道的证券交易所横幅。它显示未读消息,由一组可供选择的简单选项定义。

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